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Legal & Justice Service :

Creating legal awareness among the poor is one of the key educational tools of AID. Working for redistributive justice by enabling the justice services to be decentralised and localised through active participation of the poor.

Several rights and entitlements are conferred upon the poor as per the constitution. But due to large scale illiteracy, apprehensions and inhibitions, legal jargons the common public are not legally literate. In the absence of the same they endure undue hardship. Creating legal awareness among the poor has one of the key educational tools of AID. To improve the institutional capacities of key justice service providers and enabling them to effectively serve the marginalised and on the other hand to decentralise and localise the justice services through the active participation of the marginalised poor as a part of redistributive justice. It is innovative intervention by taking the free legal aid and justice services till the last mile and the last person.

10 Justice hubs are serving as referral and justice service support centres for the citizens and it is envisaged to be scaled down to the panchayat levels. The public are enabled to file e police and e grievance facility using Common service centres and assist them in access to MGNREGA. It is also facilitating

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